My favorite movie is undoubtedly gladiator, a movie I saw with my parents many years ago.

The reason why I like this movie is because the story is moving and passionate, full of intense moments, but also sad and hard scenes, which can bring tears even to the coldest people, like me for example.

On the other hand we have the soundtrack that is one of the best that has been made musically to this day, it is a real spectacle both visually and musically.

In my opinion it is one of the essential films that you have to see at least once in your life.

Honestly I don't think I have a favorite type of movie, I watch all kinds of movies. I just love watching movies, sometimes I sit down to watch horror movies, other times action or science fiction and I like them all equally.

The most recent movie I have seen is Interstellar, I saw it a few days ago for the third time, it really is a movie that I recommend one hundred percent. If you like science fiction this movie you must see it, it is incredible the theme of this movie which is about one of the great mysteries of science, black holes. Also its musical atmosphere will make you feel all the emotions that the characters of this movie feel. I will not give more details so as not to ruin your excitement if you want to see it.


  1. Very good movie gladiator, it's true what you say about crying with some parts, although I cry with almost every movie hahaha 😂😂.

  2. the gladiator is a very good movie, when I saw it I cried, I really like the music of the movie

  3. I saw that movie too, the final soundtrack is cool!!

  4. I really like the Interstellar film because it shows many physical mysteries like wormholes and I get emotional and wondering if it will be so.

  5. I think that for you the soundtracks are very important, regarding interstellar in general you like the themes of the universe?

  6. One of my biggest pendings is interstellar, I'm going to see it.


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