Free/Themed Post


Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

Today as the topic is free I will talk about how I met my favorite sport and other aspects.

My favorite sport is calisthenics, currently I've been training for two and a half years and I'm going for much more.

No doubt I am delighted with this sport, the story of how I came to this sport is half strange, I started going to the park to train pull-ups, because I wanted to get more strength for arm wrestling, but one day in a training, I played a video of a calisthenics athlete, which is called Viktor Kamenov, the video left me very impressed, Viktor performed movements that require inhuman strength, I will leave a photo of some of his movements that he performed in the video.

Since that video I decided to get those "tricks", therefore, I started to train calisthenics, since I started training calisthenics I train a lot and with a lot of head to avoid injury. Currently I train five days a week, three days in the park in my city and two days at home.

 What I like most about this sport is the atmosphere, I've met amazing people, all together motivating each other to keep moving forward in this sport. When I go to train I carry magnesium, another friend carries elastic bands, another friend carries a speaker, we are quite organized, so everything is much more comfortable.

I hope to continue training in this sport until I achieve all my goals that I set when I started.


  1. Wow, that man has a lot of strength... and I agree with you, practice any sport and meet people that also train the same sport it's so nice.

  2. I really admire calisthenics athletes. personally I feel unable to have so much strength to achieve this activity

  3. waw, how cool that you do that sport, personally I find it very difficult haha.

  4. I didn’t know about this sport and I started researching and I feel weak haha, is awesome and admirable.

  5. Woooow, I'm too weak for this hahaha. Good that you have friends you can do sports with

  6. great, this sport has always caught my attention, I congratulate you on your progress

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