
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021


I remember when I was a kid I wanted to study medicine because I liked science and I wanted to help people, but as the years went by I realized that I didn't like biology very much. When it came to choosing my university career, I had several options, either to study astronomy or engineering, since I like physics and mathematics very much. However, I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy because it encompasses the three sciences: chemistry, biology and physics. It is also a very practical career and I like that. My experience at the university so far has been good, I like what we see in the classes, I enjoy learning about what I like, I have professors who love to teach and these characteristics make it comfortable to study at the Universidad de Chile. I would like to work in a chemical laboratory, I would like to be in charge of the production of medicines, it would be great, to achieve that dream I will work hard. I would also like to teach classes since I like to teach o

My Autobiography

Hello! I introduce myself, my name is Alexis Villa, I’m 18 years old and I was born 2002 in Angol. I currently live in Los Angeles. I studied at the Enrique Ballacey Coterreau high school, where I made my best friends and met great people. I represented the high school in sports activities, especially athletics. I am currently studying chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Chile. A bout my family I can say that I have a brother who loves video games especially Fortnite. I have a sister who loves to draw and train. I have a female dog named Luna. I adopted Luna in February of this year. I love jogging with Luna, it's fun! In my free time I like to train, I train calisthenics. I have been training this sport for three years. I like to train with my friends in the park in Angol, but now I train alone. I love to watch science documentaries. I love to learn. Thank you very much for reading, see you soon.